PHANTOM of the LIFE [Interesting read]
"We should not tolerate their intolerance."
Ideas that once flourished only on the fringes are now taken seriously by educated people in the West, and are wreaking havoc in the developing world
Call it the Katrina effect: it's no longer enough to just report the weather; it has to be entertainment
“The whole of Western Europe is entering a new era of demographic transformation without parallel in modern times.”
One Hacker's Audacious Plan to Rule the Black Market in Stolen Credit Cards
The candidates, in their own words, from their ads
A pint of the black stuff a day may work as well as an aspirin to prevent heart clots...
The Delta House Congress
The Hypersonic Age is Near
The Communist Roots of Palestinian Terror
How Gas Prices Work
"We would do better to set this money on fire rather than using it to keep these dying firms on life support..."
The Best Conspiracy Theories, via Wired
Clearinghouse website for product recalls - lotsa lead paint out there...
Awesome article about replacing pretty much everything with Freeware on XP
Robot Boats Hunt High-Tech Pirates on the High-Speed Seas
ACORN & Ayers’ Weathermen Are The Same Group: A Look At How Voter Fraud Is Meant To Establish A Dictatorship
Taliban vs. Al Qaeda?
Is Hillary, as some suspect, a Manchurian candidate loyal to foreign and unseen donors rather than American voters?