PHANTOM of the LIFE [05/03/16]
New 'Get The F*** Outta The Road' Program Aims To Increase Pedestrian Safety
Meanwhile, in Alabama
Obligatory animated cat gif
Now that's motivational
I like to sing-a, about the moon-a and the June-a and the spring-a
Lost in translation
Unclear on the concept
How to: Turn Your iPod Into Anything (75+ Tutorials)
What better mentor for a 10-year-old than Charles Manson? Little Billy seeks life advice, and America's most notorious killers are happy to oblige.
National Association for Legislation Against Fun [NOLAF]
Just PayPal me a buck, and I will cook you a delicious hotdog, and then ship it to you!
Who the hell in the marketing department thought this up?!?
Think I'll skip that completely, and just go find the water fountain...
Time saver
Where Credit Is Due