PHANTOM of the LIFE [05/24/16]
Why do the affluent, astute Obamas cling to such doctrinaire grievances, and then offer insulting clarifications when called on them?
At least he admits it
31,072 American scientists have signed this petition, including 9,021 with PhDs
That's just disturbing
Obligatory animated cat gif
Storm Troopers really can't hit anything
The yell
I don't even want to know WTF that's supposed to be
Just a baby hippo
Someone was pissed
Obvious remark of the day
I know a few people who would really agree with this
"Not so smart after all?"
That might sell here in Georgia
"Democrats seem to be motivated largely by the notion that those who wear, or have worn, the uniform of the U.S. armed forces cannot be trusted."
Business Week rates the best Vodkas [slide show]
"Trying to use scientific methodology to describe what is inherently unscientific is unreliable at best."
Climate change on Jupiter? Must be caused by my SUV.
"We have seen an X-ray of a very dark soul."