PHANTOM of the LIFE [04/25/16]
Looks like someone dropped the F-bomb
I'm guessing it teaches you to "Be the Fart."
Spring has indeed arrived
Oblgiatory animated cat gif
It's called fashion
Somebody made a friend
Fire the editor
Zombie attack!
Worst barrista evah
Meanwhile, in Georgia
Obligatory animated WUT gif
My friend Duane *would* hit all 3 of 'em
That dude is so screwed
“The reason this guy loves New York is because it’s the only place where a white person can dress this way and not get his ass beat.”
Must be a government job...
Well hello there!
Can't decide if this is a WIN or a FAIL!
Protest FAIL!
If you don't get this one, google "sudo"
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Wrestling FAIL!
Sale FAIL!