What I find utterly pathetic are those people — primarily on Tumblr — who fritter away their days posting images of celebrities and rocks stars who have actually done something with their lives.
Then there are those who profess to be artists yet show nothing of their own work on their page. It's as though the images they post are in some vain attempt to portray their own personalities, nay, what the wish they were. However, if they were to spend half as much time working and focusing on their own medium whether it be photography, painting, music or writing, perhaps they'd have something to offer the world.
I respect those who post something personal that offers a glimpse into their personality and creative abilities. A blurry snapshot or a stick drawing holds more merit in my opinion because it’s real.
It's like an Easter Egg Hunt whereupon these people hoard what they find and claim it as their own. They don’t realize it’s the ones who’ve painted and designed the eggs that are truly the laudable ones. Maybe they’ll wake up and realize the fat basket of eggs they cling to merely stinks.